Being a Mom on a Happy Birthday

This year, my baby girl turned 4, and I realized that the pressure is on! While I've always seen her as my "baby", I know that soon...she's going to start remembering things and holding onto those memories forever. Mommy being stuck at work isn't going to fly for much longer. As a parent, your job is not just to protect your kid and keep them safe & alive (which can certainly be a challenge sometimes!). But your job is to also build a relationship and a bond with them that will last forever. Do you other mamas ever struggle with keeping your time managed well to make enough room for work AND family??

I will ALWAYS do my best to be there to protect my little one, but one day, she's going to be totally grown up (can't even wrap my head around that!!).
The rewarding part about being a mom is getting to watch your kid grow up into a young lady and seeing her make good decisions, seeing her share the values you instilled in here, seeing her become independent & successful- whatever that means to her. I'm learning this year that I may have to make some new changes in my work life to make sure I can be there for those special moments. That's part of my job as a mom! You make the tough calls to give your children the best.

Three generations celebrating Zuri's 4th Birthday
Who knows how this year of 4 will turn out?! All I know is that with this special birthday, I also had a reality check, and I can't wait to see my little Z grow into the young lady that I know she'll become... Not TOO fast, though!!

I will always be there to catch you, my sweet girl.

Happy Birthday Sweetie